Category: Latest Project

My latest project: I have decided to post some abstract details here both for my own memory and hopefully the sharing of information for people seeking it.

Magento eCommerce Updates

Project: Magento eCommerce Domain: Year: 2015 – 2016 Goal: To expand the product line and user experience through coding changes and up website security. Floral Simplicity is based in southern New Jersey and offer a unique range of products. Gammalight was contacted to help make changes to the over all website and review technical […]

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ERP From the Inside

Goal: New Business Management Software Project: Windows Based Year: 2015-2016 This project began as a need to have the Information Technology grow along with the business needs. The legacy system was not performing as the complexity of the business changed. The challenges of this project began with reviewing software vendors in the price range and […]

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